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Rural Renewal Initiative

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Overview of the Rural Renewal Initiative


 Economic Trends and Issues in Rural Oklahoma

Rural Renewal in the Media

Rural Renewal Scholarly Works 


Connecting Campus to Countryside: An Evaluation of the Rural Scholars Program at Oklahoma State University


Harvesting insights: Rural community members’ perceptions of agritourism in Oklahoma


Rurality, Resilience, & Identity: A Soft Systems Methodology Approach to Understanding Self-Reported Issues in Rural America


The Role of Community Capital in Rural Renewal


Promoting Rural Entrepreneurship through Technology: A Case Study using Productivity Enhancing Technology Experience Kits (PETE-Kits)


Performance of a Multi-sensor Capacitance Probe in Estimating Soil Water Content and Field Capacity


Residents’ perceptions of the need and potential for rural renewal in two farming-dependent counties



Gauging local interest in telemedicine visits: Are online surveys enough? 


The broadband serviceable location fabric, rural America, and agriculture


Voices from the field: A Q methodology study about rural hospital priorities 


Applying a Community Capitals Framework to Compare Two Rural Counties in Oklahoma 



King A. E. H. & Howard, S. G. (2024) Snap happy: Taking photos in the real world. Immersive workshop presented for 4-Hers in Jackson County.
King, A. E. H., Reasner, L., & Howard, S. G. (2024). Social media basics and strategy creation. Social Media Start Up Workshop, Altus, OK. Hosted by Jackson County Extension and Altus Chamber of Commerce.
King, A. E. H., Reasner, L., & Howard, S. G. (2024). Let’s make you look good: Designing great visuals. Social Media Start Up Workshop, Altus, OK. Hosted by Jackson County Extension and Altus Chamber of Commerce.
Harvey, L., & King, A. E. H. (2024). Bridging the gap: Lessons from a rural communications survey. Workshop presented at Association for Communication Excellence in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Life Sciences Conference, Salt Lake City, UT.
King, A. E. H. (2024). Social media, but strategic. Invited presentation to Hollis LEADERS class, Hollis, OK.
Caruso, A. C., & King, A. E. H. (2024). Harvesting insights: Exploring rural community members’ perceptions of agritourism. Presented at the Association of International Agricultural and Extension Education Conference, FL.
Robinson, J. S., Ochsner, T. E., Weckler, P., Woodring, M., & King, A. E. H. (2023). A high impact learning experience that promotes transformation through the development of a team of rural scholars. Presented at the Hawaii International Conference on Education (HICE). 
Sewell, J., King, A. E. H., Harvey, L., & Robinson, J. S. (2024). Framing rural realities: Exploring youth perspectives of rural communities through photovoice. Presented at the National American Association for Agricultural Education Conference, Manhattan, KS.
Reasner L., King, A. E. H., & Harvey, L. (2024). Empowering rural entrepreneurs in rural Oklahoma: A holistic digital needs assessment. Poster presented at the National Agricultural Communications Symposium, Atlanta, GA.


King, A. E. H., Langusch, L., Robinson, J. S., Ochsner, T., Weckler, P., & Woodring, M. (2023). Exploring the impact of students’ service-learning experiences on rural communities. Submitted for presentation at the Association of International Agricultural and Extension Education Annual Conference. 


Caruso, C. A., Cline, L. L., & King, A. E. H. (2023) Rewriting the rural narrative: A media analysis and community-based comparison. Poster presented at the Southern Region American Association for Agricultural Education Conference, Oklahoma City, OK.


Caruso, C. A., King, A. E. H., & Cline, L. L. (2023). Rewriting the rural narrative: A quantitative analysis of media regarding rural Oklahoma. Poster presented at the National Agricultural Communications Symposium, Oklahoma City, OK.


Caruso, T. C., Cline, L. L., & King, A. E. H. (2023). Rewriting the narrative of rural Oklahoma: A Portrait of leadership in a rural Oklahoma community. Presented at the Annual Southern Rural Sociology Association Meeting, Oklahoma City, OK.


Pierce, C., Quijada, C., Peach, D., Koehler, G., Vasquez-Sanroman, D. Can protective and compensatory experiences (PACEs) affect the saliva microbiome in health care providers? Society for Neuroscience, 2022.


Caruso, T. C., Cline, L. L., & King, A. E. H. (2022). Rewriting the narrative: A Portrait of leadership in Oklahoma’s rural communities. Presented at the International Leadership Association's Global Conference, Washington D. C.


Oloffson, K. Complex Systems for Policy Response in Rural America. American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, September 2022


Olofsson, K. Through Their Stories: How Rural Americans Live in Complex Systems. Presented at the Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL on April 9, 2022.


Olofsson, K., Fitzgerald, J. B., & Hussain, B. Sustainable Development Goals in Rural America: Giving Voice to Rural Communities. Presented at the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Research Annual Meeting in Austin, TX on March 29, 2022.


Oloffson, K. Stories of Risk and Revitalization. Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting, March 2022


Woodring, M. (2021). Tier One Rural Renewal Initiative Update. Telehealth Alliance of Oklahoma Board of Directors. 


Oloffson, K. Strategic Relationship Building in Environmental Governance. American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, September 2021


Oloffson, K. Combating the Decline of Rural America: Developing an Integrated Model of Resilience. American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, September 2021


King, A. E. H., Robinson, J. S. Ochsner, T., Woodring, M., & Weckler, P. (2021). Developing rural scholars for conducting research and service in rural communities: The effects of a high-impact learning opportunity. Poster presented virtually at the Southern Region American Association for Agricultural Education Conference.


Ochsner, T., Hagerman, A., Krueger, E., Lambert, D., Lambert, L., and Weckler, P. (2021). Drought severity and impact relationships: A multidimensional case study of recent droughts in the south-central semiarid prairies of the United States, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-6530,


Robinson, J. S., Bohannon, L., & Hill, R. (2020, October). Mentoring rural youth through Big Topics. UNM Mentoring Institute, Albuquerque, NM.


Robinson, J. S., Ochsner, T. E., Weckler, M., & Woodring, M. (2020). Equipping students to address wicked problems in rural communities: The development of a rural scholars program. 2020 AAAE Virtual Conference (Innovative Idea Poster).  


Barringer, B., Cook, N., Ochsner, T. E., Robinson, J. S., Weckler, P., & Woodring, M. (2020). A high impact learning experience that promotes transformation through the development of a team of rural scholars. Transformative Learning Conference, Edmond, OK. *Conference was canceled due to COVID-19.


Barringer, B., Ochsner, T. E., Robinson, J. S., Weckler, P., & Woodring, M. (2020). A high impact learning experience that promotes transformation through the development of a team of rural scholars. 7th Annual Big 12 Teaching and Learning Conference, Overland Park, KS. *Conference was canceled due to COVID-19.


Community Resources

Oklahoma Arts Council Grants

Oklahoma Small Business Development Center

Oklahoma Corporation Commission- Brownfields Department

Oklahoma Main Street Program


RRI Support Statement

This statement should be in used in reports or manuscripts for acknowledging RRI support or funding: 


Funding (or support) for this project was provided by the Oklahoma State University Rural Renewal Initiative,  supported by the Office of the Vice President for Research, Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station and Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service.